Why Work With Me?
My work with writers and artists began when a printmaker shared with me why he etched dark solid shapes on white paper. I was inspired by how his use of image, color, and space met his hopes for his work, so I sought out more writers and artists. For years, I visited, interviewed, and collaborated with artists working across many mediums and forms. I learned to translate their processes and practices into ways of helping writers and artists better see themselves and their work. I also started and direct the MFA at CIIS (California Institute of Integral Studies) in San Francisco, where placing writers and artists in conversations across the arts, is fundamental to how we help them articulate (and shape) their work and lives as writers and artists.
Want to write but aren’t sure of your next steps?
You may also have vast experience or expertise and want to blog, write for publication, or develop a book, but aren’t sure how to begin or push beyond initial steps. I can work with you to shape your project and create it stage by stage so the writing process doesn’t intimidate you and you can most successfully bring your knowledge to the page.
About Me
I am a writer, artist, writing/arts coach, consultant, professor, curator, and arts administrator. With on-going ties to literary, art, academic, business, and professional writing communities, I provide support to a wide range of writers and artists and all types of writing and art projects. I have worked with literary, visual, media, digital, and performing artists, genre writers, and authors in many professions including attorneys, psychologists, academics, journalists, business executives, documentary filmmakers, and screenwriters. I’m a professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco, California, where I chair the MFA program. I also offer workshops and seminars– and have developed and offer training in writing as art, a process that allows writers to explore the aesthetic aspects of writing and to create works of text and image. I created Ten Not-So-Tangible Tools for Writers, a meditation on writing in text and image, as support for writers and artists through the creative process.