In Conversation with Cindy Shearer
Cindy Shearer Cindy Shearer

In Conversation with Cindy Shearer

This week, Neil Freese interviews writer, artist, writing/arts coach, consultant, professor, curator, and arts administrator Cindy Shearer. Cindy is a professor at CIIS and the chair of the MFA program, as well as the co-creator of the Artifact podcast series. Neil and Cindy will delve deeper into the story behind Cindy’s podcast episode, Lost-Proof.

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Cindy Shearer Cindy Shearer


This week our guest is writer, artist, writing/arts coach, consultant, professor, curator, and arts administrator Cindy Shearer. Cindy is a professor at CIIS and the chair of the MFA program, as well as the co-creator of the Artifact podcast series. Now it’s her turn to tell a story about holding space for the complexities of our time and exploring the idea of walking as travel.

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Meaning Making: Final Episode
Cindy Shearer Cindy Shearer

Meaning Making: Final Episode

The questions central to our lives are also core to our art, and inquiring into those questions advances the artist and the art.

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Art As Inquiry
Cindy Shearer Cindy Shearer

Art As Inquiry

Cindy Shearer explains how viewing artworks from the vantage point of its makers allows us to experience art-making from the inside out.

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